App safe keeping confidential conversation

Today App used for communication around the world, be the only App that seems not provided the privacy and confidentiality of conversations to be used fully. Sabay show App which many experts claim that can help keep confidential conversation.

Signal App created in the form of Open Source community by volunteer programmers Open Whisper Systems in San Francisco expert who was one of the most recognized safety.


 Download Signal for iOS

App Store

 Download Signal for Android

Play store

Chat Secure founded by Chris Ballinger , the famous author and an advocate of international human rights experts . Chat Secure user severed along which makes them believe that the data in it is not easy leak outside.


 Download Chat Secure for iOS

App Store

 Download Chat Secure for Android

Play store

Telegram Secret Chats existing functionality in the Telegram, but the less you know about this functionality. using Telegram Secret chats, users can transfer data from one to another directly and severed's Telegram no data recorded. another special point is the data that is sent can not be transferred to third parties 3.

Secret-Chat-1 copy

 Download Telegram for iOS

App Store

 Download Telegram for Android

Play store

Silent Phone App that allows users to make contact with other parties who use the app around world with its own satellite program (required to pay a monthly fee) and until a team can download the software trial.

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October 24, 2017 at 4:09 AM ×

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December 29, 2019 at 11:00 PM ×

Helpful artical.
Thanks for a well written and informative post.
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